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This page contains presentations and reports from workshops undertaken in Seoul, South Korea and Oxford, UK. These
materials are available for your perusal.
June Workshop Presentations (Seoul, 8-14th June 2022):
- Age Friendly Communities, Ramin Kievani, Oxford Brookes University, UK
- Why do we develop Care Robotic Devices and Services, Wong-Kyung Song, National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, South Korea
- Homecare Models in England, Karla Zimpel-Leal, Oxford Brookes University, UK
November Workshop Presentations (Oxford, 14-18th November 2022) :
- Expansion of robotic technology to care beyond therapeutic rehabilitation: Development of care robots and service models in Korea, Won-Kyung Song, National Rehabilitation Center, Seoul, South Korea
- Financial Support, Practical Help, and Residential Choices of the Elderly: Evidence from South Korea, Jae Sik Jeon, Konkuk University, South Korea
- Shaping Healthy Communities: Healthy Place Shaping in Oxfordshire, Rosie Rowe, Oxfordshire County Council, UK
- Barton and Barton healthy place shaping work, Iona O’Carroll & Sarah Knight, Oxfordshire County Council, UK
- Age and Cohort-based Measures of Ageing-in-Place: Understanding Trajectory of Moves and Spatial Distribution of Seniors in South Korea, JungHo Park, Kyung Hee University, South Korea
- Diversity of Affordable Housing in Korea, Seungyeoun Cho, Land and Housing Institute, South Korea
- Cross Sectional Evidence on Reverse Mortgage Choices in Korea: Are Housing Pensions Attractive to House rich and Cash poor Households? Seung Dong You, Sangmyung University, South Korea
- Action Today for All our Tomorrows, Natalie Turner, Millie Brown, Rachel Monaghan, Centre for Ageing Better, UK
- Shifts in health expenditure over the period of pre- and post-COVID-19 pandemic, Jihwan Kim, Hanyang University, South Korea
- Senior housings by public sector, Seungyeoun Cho, Land and Housing Institute, South Korea
- Greater Manchester Ageing Hub, Paul McGarry, GM Ageing Hub, UK
- Age Friendly Manchester, Paul McGarry, GM Ageing Hub, UK